It Skills Part 2
LLB 5 Years
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Student or anyone outside of Allama Iqbal Law college cannot edit or make changes or remove our name from these note and study material. Reason It takes a very long time to write/type & make corrections in these note, not to mention we are hosting these notes free of Advertisement on our website for free of cost for any student in world. All we want you to do is not remove our college name or edit these.
We will continue to update these notes time to time and links will be updated time to time for all students.
Correction will be made time to time and will be update with new information.
Some of these notes were made in hurry as Examinations were very close, so you may find some notes / study material to be of no quality or similar to old book. They will be update on some point as our resources have been working on max from then start of lockdown due COVID-19.
You can find Video Lectures on our YouTube channel. It was also updated in hurry so you many not find most of them to be of quality. We were trying to cover syllabus of Punjab University LLB 5 Years Students.
These notes are for all students for whoever needs them.
We will try to add reference in advance and updated notes with reference of website from where student can study in more detail. Current notes are from our own staff and books but we will update them time to time until they fulfill the requirements.
We currently are not providing printed notes as they require more time and effort. We will give that option as well soon but it will not be free since printing has a cost and delivery as well.
Online notes are provided with some help from Google services and Microsoft services. Since they provided us services so we are mentioning them here as a thank you for their free services.
These notes/study material is for all students from any college who have similar syllabus. free of charge.
Notes for IT SKILLS LLB 5 Years Part 2:
Download Links Chapter & Question Wise.
LINKs has been temporarily Removed
Link has been removed. IT Skill Examination has been completed. Now All Notes will go through review and revision to improve their Quality. This version was created only to facilitate students. New version of these notes / Study Material is expected to be released in about 2 month or more but if you require any old one you can email us We will send these through email for free of cost
ALL notes Download Links have been removed. After reviewing and revision they will be add with updates notes.
Chapter 1 (Information Technology)
Chapter 2 (Computer Architecture)
Chapter 3 (Input & Output Devices)
Chapter 4 (Computer Hardware, Software & Languages)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Internet)
Chapter 10 (Operating System)
Chapter 11 (Microsoft Word)
Note: This is a practical Chapter If you have any book it will work as the steps of word are same across all books. Only except to version of Microsoft Office. There are some difference in version of office suite. But in your syllabus Office 2007 has been mentioned.
Our notes will contain updated office 365 but will be add in next year. We will try to add videos for all questions as well.
Chapter 12 (Microsoft Excel)
All next chapters are practical chapters same as chapter 11 applies. Will be added later
On checking these note can be used for Intermediate and Bachelors classes as well syllabus is almost same.
we found that students of ICS & of any other board in Intermediate, students can use these notes as they are similar.